Research Projects

Spectroscopic analysis of flour fractions

Spectroscopic analyses of flour fractions and extracts to predict the baking behavior of wheat of different origins and to elucidate molecular mechanisms.

Further information:

Project report

Improved prediction of wheat baking quality by three novel approaches involving spectroscopic, rheological and analytical measurements and an optimized baking test

With the project "Development of a fed-batch method for the optimal propagation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the fermentation of grape must", the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food is funding the development of a bioreactor for yeast propagation and propagation for wine production. The project is being carried out by the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering at the Rhineland-Palatinate Technical University in Kaiserslautern together with the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology at the University of Hohenheim, the company Kerafol Keramische Folien GmbH & Co. KG and the Lauth & Sohn winery.

Alcoholic fermentation is by far the most important step in the production of wine. Yeasts, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are required for this. Until the 1980s, fermentation was still mainly carried out spontaneously by yeasts brought from the vineyard or present in the cellar (equipment, barrels). A fundamental change began in the 1980s: Musts were pre-clarified for the first time and fermented at a controlled temperature to produce pure and fruity aromas. This required the use of pure yeasts, usually in the form of dry yeasts. For safe fermentation of the grape musts, these dry yeasts require suitable conditions in the first step for propagation to a sufficient number of cells with high vitality. These conditions are often not optimal for grape musts in terms of temperature, nutrient content, oxygen requirements, etc.. This can lead to fermentation stagnation and fermentation breakage with negative quality development of the wines produced.

The aim of the project is to develop a bioreactor and the associated sensor system in order to optimize yeast propagation during wine production and thus to counteract fermentation stagnation and quality deterioration. In addition to conventional probes, the reactor will also be equipped with metal oxide gas sensors and optical sensors. Once a demonstrator has been completed, its functionality and process technology will be extensively tested and optimized until a fully qualified system is ready for use in wine production.

DFG Grant 395461267: Observer and control design for mass-structured cell populations

In this project the results of the preceding project DFG 395461267 observer and tracking control design for cell population models shall be deepened and extended. While in the preceding project the focus was on the analysis of cell population balance models on the basis of approximations of the partial integro-differential equations by finite differences (FD) and the studies were mainly constrained to the anaerobic yeast fermentation, in the applied continuation project the following points are focused on: (i) aerobic as well as anaerobic process conditions for the yeast fermentation, (ii) inclusion of additional sensors, (iii) alternative numerical approximation methods, in particular the cell average method (CAM) and the quadrature method of moments (QMM), (iv) explicit methods for model order reduction (MOR), as well as (v) the transferability to other cultures like, e.g., microalgae. A particular focus shall be on the robustness analysis of the obtained observability and controllability properties, as well as the designed observers and feedback controllers.

CRC1461 B4: Oscillatory network development: From control theory to robotics

Project B4 of the CRC1461 develops a system and control theoretic framework for analysis, design, control, and evaluation of oscillator networks as central unit to associate spatiotemporal neural dynamics and functional connectivity with the underlying network structure and its properties. For monitoring and control local information extraction and injection mechanisms will be considered. Complementing these analytic and simulation studies the developed methodologies will be evaluated in simple robotic control applications.

Past projects

Integrated Chia and Oyster Mushroom System for Sustainable Food Value Chain in Africa (CHIAM)

CHIAM aims to develop a climate-smart solution for sustainable food systems that directly addresses the challenges of the FOSC call.

Duration: Start: 01.06.2021 / End: 31.12.2023

Sponsor: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, Förderkennzeichen: 2821ERA19C

Further information are available on the project websites: 

Federal Office for Agriculture and Food

Era Learn


Optimization of the production planning in bakeries to minimize the ecological footprint and food waste using nature-inspired optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence.

Förderer: EIT Food

Further information are available on the project website on:


Integrated control and sensing platform for biopharmaceutical cultivation process high-throughput development and production

Förderer: EU

Further information are available on the project website on

Früherkennung von Produktinstabilitäten

Entwicklung eines Onlineüberwachungs-Systems zur Früherkennung von Produktinstabilitäten am Beispiel fetthaltiger H-Milch und Prozessentwicklung für eine erhöhte Schaumstabilität zur „Barista“-Anwendung

Laufzeit: 2018 - 2020

Projektnummer: AiF 20200 N

Förderer: BMWI über AiF über FEI

Mehlmodifikation mittels kaltem Plasma

Anwendung von atmosphärischer kalter Plasma-Technologie auf Weizenmehl mit anschließender Quantifizierung der Auswirkungen auf die Netzwerkfunktionalität von Teigen und Qualität von Backerzeugnissen

Laufzeit: 2019 - 2021

Projektnummer: AiF 20629 N

Teff-Based Functional Beverage Containing Selected Probiotic Bacteria

Förderer: DAAD


Genomisch-proteomische Grundlagen und Umweltabhängigkeit der qualitäts- und gesundheitsrelevanten Eigenschaften bei Weizen für innovative neue Sorten und Produkte (BLE)

